
The MIT Faculty Newsletter (FNL) is a publication of the faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Since MIT faculty have neither a faculty senate nor faculty union nor related professional organization, the FNL plays an important role at MIT in providing an independent forum for expression of faculty views and concerns. The Editorial Board of the MIT Faculty Newsletter is elected by Institute-wide electronic vote of the current faculty of MIT and all emeritus faculty.

All opinions expressed are those of the individual authors, with the exception of the Editorials, which reflect views of the Editorial Subcommittee for that issue, or the Editorial Board of the FNL as a whole.

Although faculty are given preference, submission of articles is open to all members of the MIT Community.

For further information see Policies and Procedures of the MIT Faculty Newsletter.

Please contact us with any questions.

Editorial Board

Nazli Choucri
Political Science

Christopher Cummins

Yoel Fink

Sally Haslanger
Linguistics and Philosophy

Thomas Heldt
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Helen Elaine Lee
Comparative Media Studies/Writing

Ceasar McDowell
Urban Studies and Planning

Tanalís Padilla

Nasser Rabbat

Balakrishnan Rajagopal
Urban Studies and Planning

Robert Redwine

Warren Seering
Mechanical Engineering

Franz-Josef Ulm
Civil & Environmental Engineering

David Lewis
Managing Editor